Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy Birthday!!!

I am 62 today. Not a momentous age compared to others. There was a time perhaps when 62 would have been seen as "getting up there" but not anymore. There are far too many active folks out there in the mid 80s for someone my age to come even close to being considered old.

But the signs of aging are there. It is not just the grey hairs in my beard ( which truth be told have been there for some time), or in the greying of my hair that tell me that I am getting old(er). The proof that I am not what I use to be is, for me, my mind. My memory  is slowly becoming less effective at retrieving information. All of that  information (much of which I must confess was rather useless)  that I have collected for years is becoming more difficult to find. I know it is there - I just can't find it.

It is frustrating to say the least.

On the other hand I am reasonably healthy; I have good friends, great kids and grand kids; a job that I enjoy and hobbies that fill my days. I suspect that as long as I can remember that I am truly blessed with my life - the other memory lapses don't really matter.

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