Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank heavans hockey is almost over!!

I know that it is  un-Canadian to not like our national sport (see this months edition of the Walrus for an interesting piece on why it is probably not our national game any longer ( - but I am tired of it. I want to be able to watch the news when it is suppose to be on - not whenever it fits in between the 2nd and 3rd periods.

Those who do not have cable/or a dish,  are limited in what they can see at the best of times. During the never-ending play offs is is worse. I want the news to be at 10:00. Just because it is available on CBC Newsnet is not good enough. To repeat I DON'T HAVE CABLE". Why don't the playoffs get switched to cable and let the rest of us folks get the regular schedule. Why should I be punished?

It is interesting to note the Canadian football - which is arguably both a better game than the American version and definitely a Canadian sport is not available on CBC, nor were the Olympics.

Thank heavens it is almost over for another year.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

government and facebook

Click on to read Yahoo news 
  Just saw this bit of "news' on Yahoo. So now the Canadian Government (read Conservative Party) are going to monitor Facebook and correct any of the misinformation that may be there.

Does that mean that if I express an opinion of the government's decision to prorogue parliament - they may "correct" my opinion?

Do I/we want the government to monitor of social exchanges?

I don't think so. It sounds dangerous to me. If they want to have their own Facebook page - that is great. But stay away from mine!

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