Tuesday, June 7, 2011

notes on gas prices

I, like most people, do not understand why there is such a fluctuation in gas prices between here and there. For example I was in Sudbury this morning and at some of the gas stations, gas was posted at $1.34 for a liter. In Peterborough this afternoon I saw one gas station advertising a litre for $1.18. While of course both prices are far too high - one has to wonder why gas five hours north of Peterborough  is 14 cents more a litre. There is no logic at all.

Had to buy some gas a few miles down 169. I was getting near empty and did not want to risk getting stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere. So I stopped at a small station that advertised native cigarettes. When I got out of the car a nice gentleman started to fill my tank. He asked if I had a status card and then said - "naw - I guess not". Then we talked about long hair - his was almost as long as mine, then about my beard. He was curious to know if the flies got in it. We then got on to the business of why deer flies always buzz around the back of your head where you can't see them and how he had stuck some flypaper on the back of his brother's hat to trap them.  Then he told me this story.

He, his brother and his sister-in-law were sitting in a canoe fishing. Every once in a while his sister-in-law who was in in the middle would hit her husband across the back of the head with a rolled up newspaper. Really hard. he would turn around and asked " what did you do that for?"

She would say " there was a deer fly on your shoulder". Then 5 minutes later she would do the same thing again. After the 4th or 5th time she hit him - he said " I am going to want to see some dead bodies pretty soon!"

Not the funniest joke - but if I have to pay a lot for gas - it sure feels better when there is some human contact that goes along with it.

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