Thursday, January 5, 2012

It is a new year and I am done travelling for a while

It has been a long two weeks, with time up in Sudbury and even more time out west in Duncan. It is such an extraordinary luxury to be able to travel back and forth so that I can spend time with my family. I am always grateful for both their generosity in putting me up (and with putting up with me) as well as the fact that I can afford to travel both in terms of time and money. But it is tiring. Last night was the first night I slept in my own bed in almost two weeks and it felt pretty good.

I love my kids and I love my grandkids but they live too far apart! However if they have to be so far apart It would be nice if Air Canada could arrange my flights so that the planes did not need to be repair once I am in them. Both of the long flights were delayed by an hour or more as there were “technical” difficulties to be resolved before we were able to take off. I am thankful that they want to fly safely, but I do wish they could repair the planes on their time and not mine.

In spite of the extra long day yesterday, it was rather magical coming into Toronto last night around 10:30. One can see the city as defined by the street, mall, and house lights stretched out in the distance. Because it all is rather two dimensional, the scene reminded me of a sequined or rhinestone studded jacket with strange patterns and shapes sewn into the dark fabric of industrial sites, back yards and near empty malls. This picture was made even more interesting by the fact that there was a lot of low lying cloud. As the plane passed through these wispy patches the lights below would blur, sometimes almost disappear before coming back into view as bright as ever.

When one flies over Canada at night, there are, on occasion, cluster of lights far below. I always wonder where we are, what town or village we are passing over. If people in those towns looked up, would they notice my plane?

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