I have a respect for Preston Manning. He speaks with passion
about which he believes. He appears to be a honourable man who has clear values
and has been able to stay true to those values. I just think he is wrong about
most of what he believes. This week he did an opinion piece in the Globe and
Mail in which he said:
highest duty of the state is to affirm and preserve human life rather than
sanction the taking of it. From
this perspective, the recent decision of the Supreme Court facilitating
physician-assisted suicide is both regrettable
and open to challenge." (Globe
and Mail)
Mr. Manning is an educated man. He must have know when he
wrote the above that either he was deluding himself or he was ignoring history.
The state has never demonstrated any interest in affirming
or preserving human life. Unless that life belonged to the rich or powerful
elite. The Magna Carta - the document signed in 1215 that is so often touted as
being the start of western democracy is at best a document that entrenches the
rights of feudal lords to maintain control over their possessions, their estates
and their serfs (Magna
Carta). For the last 890 years not much has changed in the western world.
The state for almost all of that time has consistently undervalued most of
human life. One only needs to look at the countless wars over the centuries- many
of which were fought to support (or defend against the need for) expansion of
commercial interest, or to be reminded of the slavery that was inflicted upon
generations and generations of Africans or to recognize the cultural and
physical genocide practiced upon the Nations that existed in North America
before the coming of the Europeans to become convinced that the state, as
opposed to preserving life has in the past blatantly disregarded the life of
anyone who was powerless.
In more recent times our state has gone out of its way to
ignore the value of human life. The Canadian Government has for example allowed
various waters to be polluted so that people living around that water became permanently
disabled and then refused to do anything about it ( The Canadian
Encyclopaedia), underfunded a school system so that the children cannot get
an education (Vancouver
Sun), has done little to prevent up to 600,000 children in Canada either
going to bed or getting up hungry (TVO), and the list
could go on and on. In fact there is little proof that the Government of Canada
values life, unless of course it suits its purpose.
Mr. Manning suggests in his editorial piece that people need
to reach out to their elected representatives to make clear to the MPs that
they do not want a law that allows for physician assisted suicide. That is their right. But before they do,
please get the facts right. They are asking the Canadian Government to do
something that it presently does not do. If, for the first time in a long time,
the Canadian Government is going make a decision about protecting the sanctity
of human life - I have a long list of things that need to get done. Mr..
Manning - give me a call.