Friday, July 16, 2010

On the Road Again (finally)# 8

Being on a ramp to the Cocahala highway is not the greatest place to be. Cars are already going by far too fast and the shoulder is far too small for it to feel safe for most cars to stop. There is no shade, and on this date it was far to hot. (although I have been in this area when it has been far hotter) There is not a store for miles and without the extra bottles of water that my truck driving friend had given to me, I might have been worried. But the luxury of having extra water meant that I could hydrate myself at will.

There was an osprey nest just off to the side. I don't think that they were very happy with me standing there - or at least both the male and the female were rather noisy every time I moved. I didn't want to disturb them but there was nowhere else to stand. I did try to walk a bit further towards the highway so that I could perhaps catch more traffic but the shoulder got smaller and smaller, and the cars just seem to go even faster. I like driving in fast cars but they are less fun when I am standing on the side of the road. As I was walking back to the best stop I stumbled backwards on the curb and feel backwards, away from the road. I felt like a turtle flipped over with no way to get up. I wasn't at all hurt - just embarrassed at laying there with my pack on my back - legs in the air. One would think that I would have got a ride just for the moment of laughter that I gave some driver!

However I did get up, and not too shortly afterwards I got a ride. It was in a somewhat beaten up Toyota four wheel drive with a canoe on top. The driver who was a small wiry guy named Adonis. At one point in our hour or so drive he said that he was a Gurkha. He could have been.

Adonis was a mushroom picker and a tree planter. He travelled though parts of BC sometimes earning his living and other times living off the land. He traveled with his three dogs and a pile of stuff in the vehicle. There was not a lot of room for me or my pack but as always - a ride is a ride. He told me that he had just got his truck back - one of the wheels had fallen off as he had been driving along this highway. Not exactly inspiring !! I some how have always assumed that wheels just don't fall of cars - but I guess I was wrong. The sway bar had also broken and every once in a while, depending on the wind blowing across the highway, the truck started to sway violently. Almost to the point of feeling ( I hope it was only a feeling) that the truck was about to flip over.As soon as he slowed down, the swaying stopped until the next gust of wind. I am now virtually positive that I am not inclined to motion sickness in cars.

It could have been an interesting ride - We could have had/should have had a lot to talk about. But Adonis  was more interested in talking about himself and his life, and on occasion,  lecturing me. For example at one point I mentioned my cell phone and the fact that I had one because my daughter and mother on occasion expressed some concern about me being lost somewhere in Canada. Most folks who hear this story - or the earlier versions of me having to call in every couple of days, usually say something like - "isn't nice that she cares that much about you". Adonis instead suggested that my daughter should accept the inevitability of death and get use to it!! Strange perspective.

However he did have a kilt that he wore in the bush. So we were at least able to compare the pluses of wearing one. He showed me his - I was somewhat cramped and didn't get the chance to look at it. Pity - I have never actually looked at one.  Probably could have leant something from looking how it was made.

I was given a number of choices where to get off. I choose to get off on the entrance ramp leading from Mission.. Right in the middle of cowboy country ( last time I was in Mission - actually saw a man wearing spurs in a store). Didn't feel like I was in a good spot - It was 5:15 - I had had two great rides and if there had been a place to stop for a meal and to sleep-  I would have called it a day.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

On the Road Again (intermission #4)

I have been on Salt Spring for almost a week.... what a great spot. Sally's house is as crazy as ever. When I got here there were 9 children living on the property and every bed was filled. Not a problem - I dragged a mattress out on to the deck and slept under the stars. I have since moved into the room that I usually use.

It is nice to be home again (or at least at one of my homes- I am so blessed to have people (relatives and others) who allow me to share their space.

On Saturday Cohen, Kristi and Devin came to the market and then to Sally's for supper. A very special time - it was good to have one part of my family meet the other part.

I have spent parts of the last few days trying to fix Sally's deck. There was section that was rotten with holes that someone could have fallen through, The person who replaces the 4x8 piece of plywood a few years ago did a really poor job - it was only 1/2 thick,  and it was not exterior plywood - so of course it rotted. However while the one bit is done- just needs to be painted - there are other spots almost as bad....don't get me started on the absurdity of using plywood on a deck!!

There is a whole list of characters passing though the house - some of whom I know well and it is a joy to get a welcoming hug from them - others who I don't - but I am enjoying getting to know them. The range of professions extends from an environmental engineer who works on golf courses to make them more environmentally friendly to someone who spends 6 months a year in India to gardeners and caregivers who cook and clean for Sally. There are vibrant conversations and interesting moments of sharing and silence. It is a nice place to live for a while. It feels good to contribute to such a community.

Last night Sally was getting some physio on the floor while watching "So you think you can dance". While probably 100s of people have slept on her living room floor, looking at the stars through her big patio doors, and then woke up to the sun, she never has. So last night Sally slept on the floor. It was like a pajama party! From my bed I could see her and we chatted as she went through her night time routine.

Life may get better than this- but I don't see how.

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