Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thank heavans hockey is almost over!!

I know that it is  un-Canadian to not like our national sport (see this months edition of the Walrus for an interesting piece on why it is probably not our national game any longer ( - but I am tired of it. I want to be able to watch the news when it is suppose to be on - not whenever it fits in between the 2nd and 3rd periods.

Those who do not have cable/or a dish,  are limited in what they can see at the best of times. During the never-ending play offs is is worse. I want the news to be at 10:00. Just because it is available on CBC Newsnet is not good enough. To repeat I DON'T HAVE CABLE". Why don't the playoffs get switched to cable and let the rest of us folks get the regular schedule. Why should I be punished?

It is interesting to note the Canadian football - which is arguably both a better game than the American version and definitely a Canadian sport is not available on CBC, nor were the Olympics.

Thank heavens it is almost over for another year.

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