Monday, October 25, 2010

Sometimes life just sucks

Last weekend I went to a funeral. It was for someone who I had last worked worked with 6 - 7 years ago, before I went back to school. We had somehow lost touch with each other as I have with most of my friends from that era. Not for any particular reason. People change and especially in this day and age, it is all to easy to drift apart.

I generally try to live my life without regretting things I cannot change. I try not to feel bad for all thjose things that I didn't do. But I have spent the last week regretting that I didn't stay in touch - that I didn't make the effort to be there when I could have been and perhaps should have been.

And now I have just heard that another friend has died. I wasn't there for her either. It doesn't matter that I didn't know that perhaps I could have helped. All that matters is that I didn't call and see how she was.

They were both remarkable people and the world will be poorer without them. Perhaps their last gift to me is the reminder that I need to reach out and to stay connected.

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