Sunday, January 2, 2011

jet travel

It seems somewhat surreal being on the West Coast without having to work for it. While flying consumes far less time - it is not nearly as interesting. One can only people watch for so long before it comes a bit boring.

Surprisingly cold on the West Coast - not cool- down right cold. No snow but lots of frost on the ground in the morning until the sun melts it away (that's right - there is sun here - lots of glorious sun. From my son's new house I can see the mountains in the distance - quite nice.

Has been a great Xmas holiday so far - got to attend the live Nativity play (including fire works) on Christmas Eve with my grand kids, open stockings with them in the morning and have lots of time to go skating and tobogganing. As well got to play with all of their new toys - there are some pretty neat toys out there.

Then after a few days at home to visit with my mother, brother and sister, I flew out here for a week. Was even allowed to "babysit " with my grandson for a few hours on New Year's Eve while the "young ones" went out to a party.

Can't imagine a better holiday - except of course if I could do it forever - going back and forth between Duncan and Sudbury - wouldn't need a place to live.....

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