Monday, September 5, 2011

On the Road Again 2011 - Blog 19

I know this whole process of writing down what happened this summer must seem pretty easy.  But it is not. I am so far behind schedule that it is difficult to get enthusiastic about the process. I am now writing about things that happened in June. It is not that I can't remember what happened; it is just that I am less sure of the relevance than I once was.

But then every once in a while someone will ask me a question and I realize that at least a few people read what I write. So time to move on with telling the story.

The Gathering was huge....some say that there were at least 30,000 people there. I do not know how people can guess that. I suppose counting cars and guessing, after years of experience, how many were in each car would create a rough estimate. But regardless of the actual number there were a lot of people there. But except for one day, we were never all in the same place and therefore it usually does not seem as if there are many people around.

The Gathering is comprised of numerous small groups of people. Some have come from the same geographic area or perhaps state and have always camped with each other. Others, regardless of where they are from always hang out with the same people and purposely find where that kitchen or group is located. And there are some who gravitate towards those areas where likeminded people such as practioners of Yoga, followers of Christ or street kids hang out. However I think the majority of people and certainly most of the people who are new to the Rainbow probably just end up camping in a spot that feels good to them.

There is certainly an area for everyone, but sometimes it takes work to find it. Certainly in the early days of any Gathering, it is hard to find people who know where the various groups or kitchens are. It is not until the 1st or 2nd of July that an accurate map starts to emerge. It was, for me, a long walk to get to where I wanted to be.

I asked almost everyone I saw – “do you know where Instant Soup is?” On more than once occasion I got diametrically opposite answers. But that kitchen seems to almost always be located away from the main areas so I kept on walking through lovely meadows, across small streams via somewhat dangerous bridges constructed of two logs (my balance at the best of times is somewhat suspect – carrying a full pack across some of these bridges was more than a bit hair raising – others of course just danced across them) and along the edges of swamps. It was an interesting few hours walk with lots of “welcome home” being shouted out and more than a few conversations. I saw lots of possible places to pitch a tent and met some people that would have perhaps been fun to get to know. But I knew where I wanted to go and eventually I got there.

While there is always a special feeling about getting to a Gathering, for me I know I am at home when I get to the kitchen that has a pot of soup on the fire, a fire pit for conversation and singing and a relaxed gentle air about it.

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