Thursday, October 13, 2011

on the road again 2011 #32

I had known since the beginning of June that there was going to be a BC Regional Gathering at some point around the second week of August. I didn't know if I would go given how busy the summer had been for me. But it had been a few years since I had been able to go to one. I had been missing that feeling of being at home, that sense of belonging that sweeps me away when I am at a BC Gathering. As much as I enjoy attending and participating at the big National Gatherings in the USA, BC is where my family lives and it will always be my the centre of my Rainbow home.

I could have hitchhiked there, but I only had a few days to spare and I didn't want to waste them on the road so I rented a little car and headed north. I didn't tell car rental place that I would be traveling along logging roads.  They (the rental places) don’t like those roads. It is too risky in terms of stone chips and broken axels.

It was an easy five or so hour drive to where the Gathering was suppose to be held. The scouts had told everyone that it was a glorious spot just a few 100 metres off the logging road, with a lake and a large meadow for people to camp in. There was even a flat level bit of land that we could use for a parking lot. It sounded ideal. When I got to the parking lot, there were only a few cars there, and much to my surprise there were tents there. I sort of assumed that the tent were for the three or four folks who were there to welcome people - but no, there were only eight or nine people had made it to the Gathering. I knew only knew two of the people.

Gatherings are a strange business. Because the Family resists any temptation or encouragement to be organized, it frequently presents an image of profound disorganization. People say they are planning on coming and then don't. No one knows why. We all accept that life occasionally gets in the way and are grateful and delighted with who ever does appear. So one can never tell if a regional or a national Gathering will be large or small.

People were camped in the campsite because the main site appeared to be a bit swampy and buggy. There was a fairly large creek (or small river) that needing crossing and there was not sufficient manpower to build a bridge. So folks just hung out in this over grown parking lot, surrounded by glorious trees. Other than a pick up truck or two that went by once or twice a day we saw no one. It does not sound very nice but it was a great day and a half for me. And I don't know if I can explain why.

My brothers and sisters were beautiful. While I was the oldest for at least the first day or so, the youngest was less than 2 years old. There were a couple a people in their 30s and the rest were in their mid 20s. People went for walks to look for crystals, we sat around and talked about art and politics and music and the Family and …. and ….. and …….about everything under the sun. And we ate. My heavens there was great food!

We had all brought food to share and so there were blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs, there were smoothies made in a blender attached to a bicycle wheel, there was rice pudding, and a pasta dish as fine as any restaurant’s. All of it cooked without a lot of planning, with people contributing their food, their thoughts and their work, all without one harsh word or without anyone ever telling someone what to do. It was magical. A true family, most of whom had never met each other before they had gotten there, but a family none-the-less who seemed to instinctively know how to work together, how to share and how to just enjoy each other. Meals of course didn’t happen on time. That is - breakfast was more like brunch and supper barely got done before the sun set. But it did not matter. We were Family and we were at home.

The morning before I left we had a little council meeting and one by one as the feather was passed from person to person we listened to each other and in turn we spoke our thoughts about the future and what plans should be made for that evening (the full moon which is a traditional night of celebrations) and for the following year. For the Family, around the world, council should be held on the land in full view of everything and everyone so all can participate. So all can share their vision until a true consensus can be reached.

I was sad to leave but so glad that I had been able to at least for a few hours, share in belonging to this marvelous, vagabond-like group of eclectic travelers. We will meet again.

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