Thursday, July 26, 2012

On the Road Again 2012 #12

I went looking for the cheapest looking motel and I found it. It was of an old "pan-a-bode" ( pre-fab log building) design that had clearly had seen better days. It was dwarfed by the more modern looking and larger motels around it. But the name got my attention..... "Sweet Dreams Motel". Who could resist staying in a place that had such a charming name?

It was almost 9:30 and in spite of the fact that the sign said that the office was open until 11:00 there was no immediate response to the door bell. In fact I was about to turn away when I saw, through the office door window an older women wrapped in a bathrobe approaching the door. For a moment I thought that perhaps the building had been turned into a residence and I had awoken a permanent resident. I apologize for disturbing her but her response was somewhat reassuring " Its O.K., that is what I am here for.

There were still some rooms available for $66.00 (tax included) a night. I was delighted by the price. She was not very empathetic about my slow rate of travel. When I mentioned that I was hitchhiking to Yellowknife she suggested that I was either travelling in the wrong direction or at the wrong time as many northerners were be heading towards urban areas (south) for the long weekend. But she had a friendly smile and it was fun to trade quips with here. I don't think she knew how to give a straight answer. When she gave me my room key, I asked her where it was. She just said "go out the door and follow the number until you find it"! She was fun. When I had mentioned that I had decided to stay for the night in part because of the storm that was approaching - she said " it has been threatening to rain for days, it won't rain tonight" She was right.

The building looked run down. What ever colour the milled, fabricated logs had been - they were now a dirty brown. There was at least one vehicle that I saw  that looked abandoned. Its back end was jacked up and the tires and rims were off. It had last year's plates on it. Inside it was equally as interesting. Rather dark and while everything was clean, it all certainly looked like it had been used before.But the bathroom was fine (if noisy as the family next door could be heard quite clearly), either of the two beds were comfortable and the curtains were double lined so that very light could get through them.

 I put on my sandals and went to find a restaurant. There was attached to the hotel next door and as it looked almost empty I was worried that I would missed another meal. But the young waitress was friendly and welcoming. The menu was less so. The only thing on it that I could eat was a stir fry with no meat. That may sound awkward or poorly phrased but I had order a stir fry with no meat. It was surprisingly good.

I went for a brief walk after supper and then went to bed. Tired for no particular reason, but tired none-the-less

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