Friday, March 8, 2013

On the Road Again (almost) 2013) #2

I have, what may turn out to be, a terminal condition. I am in the early stages of spring fever.

 All right I may be exaggerating a wee bit. Perhaps spring fever cannot (directly) kill a person. But it feels like this year it is going to be close if for no other reason than it might almost kill me to sit on my thumbs for the next few months. The sun is shining, the snow is melting and I can almost hear the whine of tires on the road getting closer and closer to where I am standing. How do I know I have the fever bad this year?  I was in the middle of a class teaching away. All of a sudden I realized that the back part of my brain that is always chattering away whether or not anyone is listening, was calculating how soon I could be in Winnipeg and then Calgary (the answer in case you are curious is Sunday morning in Winnipeg and if the Gods of Hitchhiking were kind, Sunday night in Calgary). I had to stop talking while I listened in to that part of my brain that was planning on escaping. I don't think any of the students noticed and soon I was back on track. Still it was pretty weird.

It is only the beginning of March for heavens' sake!!!!  I have over three months before I head west. Maybe it is because it has been a hard semester, but I have never so early in the year felt the need to be on the open road. I will have to learn how to lower the volume on that back brain. I know I can't shut it off but I also know that I can' t be teaching and thinking about the road at the same time. My students deserve all of my attention.

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