Monday, May 12, 2014


It was my 65th birthday yesterday. I am reasonably sure that there are millions and millions of people around the world who share that same birth date. I would as well guess that there were hundreds and hundreds of  thousands of people born on that date in 1949. So my birth and my still being alive 65 years later is a very miniscule event in terms of world history. And so when I woke up yesterday morning I thought  about those facts, realized that my birth day was not really that important and got on with my day. The sun was shining; I had wool to work with, some other projects that needed completing and I knew that at some point I would probably get a call from my daughter and my son. It would have been enough.

But  my day was so much better than that. I did get to talk to my daughter and two grand kids for half an hour; but I also got invited out for a two hour walk through the woods at a provincial park and my son and I talked for just over a 100 minutes later in the day (he and I talk far less frequently than do my daughter and I and therefore we have so much more to catch up on). I got two birthday cards the old fashioned way - through the mail and a "pile" of best wishes via the internet. It was a full and delightful day. It was so much more that "just enough".

Later in the evening as I was sorting and hand teasing some wool, I reflected on the day. In spite of my sometimes frequent complaints about the state of the world (and in particular Canadian politics) I truly have a blessed life. While I quietly acknowledge that fact every night before I go to sleep, I don't do it nearly often enough out loud so that others can hear. And I should - so I am.

Thanks world and all who live in it

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