Thursday, December 29, 2016

On the Road Again 2016 Winter (Going West)

In what is becoming somewhat of a ritual - here I sit in the Sudbury Junction Via Rail station waiting for a train that is late. I would not mind waiting the  three hours  nearly as much if I and my daughter had not needed to be up so early this morning. The good news is that the train was, at 5:00 going to be two hours and forty-five minutes late. It now looks as if we are only going to be two hours and fifteen minutes late. But then I have another three and a bit days to go - who knows if we are going to make up the time or be really late. As long as we have enough time in Winnipeg and Jasper for em to buy some food, I won’t complain too much.

The station is surprisingly full. Three kids from two different families - all being entertained by various mobile devices, and nine or so adults equally entertained by their mobile devices. While it is subjective - it feels as the place is far more quiet than it was ten years ago. There is no need for us to talk - we can all be entertained by the content on our little screens.

It is cold outside and the footing is treacherous - so no one is waiting outside.  It is uncomfortably warm in here but again no one is going outside….except for those who wait in their vehicles for passengers who are late in their arrival.

On the wall opposite me there is the electronic notice board stating the number of the train (1) the scheduled time of arrival and the actual/anticipated time of arrival. At 7:15 - the revised arrival time was 7:28. Thereafter every time the actual time got within 11 minutes of the anticipated time - that time was moved forward. It was like someone was teasing us...letting us believe that the train’s arrival was imminent and the at the last moment - postponing it for an additional five or so minutes. It was maddening.

The train finally arrived at 8:00 - a minute or two later than I was told when I first arrived. Two hours and forty-five minutes late. To be fair, two freight trains passed by the station heading north and one passed us heading south. The two northern ones looked to be quite long.
However - I am on the train and heading west. While I am sad about leaving the grand kids and my daughter - who takes care of me so well what I am in Sudbury - I am excited to be going home. I have a rather long list of weaving projects I need to get started on. I start going to be selling at the market in two month’s time.

P.s. for the first time in a while I have a reserved seat. The conductor looked for me and gave me the seat number….maybe they do plan on having the long distant passengers having two seats to themselves for at least part of the trip.

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