Friday, December 23, 2016

Via Rail - I Don’t Understand

I I would think I have travelled between Sudbury and Vancouver Island in the past 15 years more than most people excepting those who travel for work or for business. I have gone by car, bus, train and air.  While the train is slow and its timetable on occasion should be filed under fiction as as opposed to fact, it is by far the most relaxing way to travel. I think more people would travel by train if it were not so damn expensive. Flying is can be cheaper although given my last experience not that much more reliable.

I bought both my Air Canada ticket from Nanaimo to Sudbury and my train ticket from Sudbury to Vancouver in mid October. The cost for my flight for the beginning of December was $370.00 including choosing a more expensive seat to accommodate my long legs. If I wanted to buy a comparable seat to fly a few days after Christmas it would cost somewhere between $1201 and $2000 depending upon which time of day I travelled. My Via Rail ticket cost $406. And if I wanted to buy a ticket for the same train this morning it would cost $883.

I can understand air fare costing more to fly during the Christmas season in that it is a busy travelling season and air seats are in demand. I also understand that there should be a slight increase in cost the closer one gets to the flying time. But I think that a 300% increase in cost probably could be labelled at the very least as an unfair tax on procrastinators or more likely as gouging. However, as I am sure the plane will be fully booked, one can only assume that it is Air Canada’s pricing policies are, if nothing else, good business practice.

It is less easy to understand Via Rail’s business policies. The economy section of the train in my experience (I have taken the train across at least part of the country six or seven times)has never been full. This has meant that I, for most of the nights that I have slept on a train, have had both seats to myself. It has been great. I love having the space and the privacy to spread my stuff out and to move around adjusting my position as I nap, read or listen to music.But the economy section of the train is so empty because it is quite frequently the most expensive way to travel (Christmas time is one of the exceptions to that rule). I don’t understand why Via would double the cost of the ticket  when they can’t sell all the seats at the lower price. Would it not make more sense to keep the tickets cheaper and fill the seats? I realize that I am arguing against what is best for me, but I do fear that the time will come when Via Rail will reduce its service even further with the argument that not enough people are using it.

Canada needs a transcontinental passenger rail services. It should be increasing the number of trains a week not decreasing. While there are a number of  sleeping cars (along with assorted dome, club and dining cars)for those passengers who have lots of money, there are only two economy cars (plus a dome car). If Via Rail kept the price of tickets down, they could fill a third car for very little cost. Lord knows there is not a lot of service provided to “cheap seats” passengers.

Clearly I am not a business person and therefore I am unable to understand how companies work. But it seems to me that it is better to have all the seats full as opposed to have being empty - unless of course Via Rail intentionally keeps half of the seats empty so that people like me can be comfortable….. if you believe that - I know of a bridge for sale.

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