Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Dear Readers

It may have appeared that I, in the past two or so weeks,have become rather lax/lazy about posting a blog every once in a while. I have not been lazy but rather I have been consumed by other projects.

The outdoor farmer's market season is about to be upon us. I realized about three weeks ago that I had done relatively little to replace the stuff that I had sold last fall. I dislike having the feeling that I do not have enough stuff in my tent so I have been working fairly hard to complete some projects.

Since returning from Ontario at the beginning of January (and then being sick for a week or so)

I have done 18 small bags and 10 medium size bags:
 Each strap for the medium size bags is 72" long which meant I had to weave 60 feet of 1" strapping. To say it was boring is an understatement.

I also wove 3 rugs (approx 32X42)"
 (the camera seems to have cast a slight blue tint to all of the pictures - nothing is quite as blue as it looks)
 and two shawls:

Of course weaving is the fastest part of the process. The wool needed to be washed, carded, dyed and spun before I could weave.

It perhaps doesn't look like all that much but for me it took a lot of work and a real effort to stay focused . There were days where it would have been so much easier to just sit down and read a book.

While I feel as if I can relax a bit - I do have five unwashed fleeces and one fleece that I have just finished washing. I am hoping to get a few more rugs, a couple of shawls and perhaps a new line of cell phone bags done in the next 7-8 weeks.

It is a good thing that I really like playing with wool! I do wish however that I had a maid to clean up after myself.

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