Friday, May 12, 2017

Apologies to Air Canada

On my last blog, I may have cast aspersions upon Air Canada. It was as if I was preparing myself to be disappointed and getting ready to rant loudly against a big powerful company. I do so like being the David against the Goliath. But alas I have absolutely nothing to complain about.

Every step of the way from check-in in Nanaimo to the recovery of my pack from luggage in Sudbury was almost seamless. While one plane left a bit late and another was put into a brief holding pattern, the connections were easy to make with no fears of missing the next plane. Even the arrival and departure gates were not too far apart. It is not that it was a pleasurable journey. I left my home at a very uncivilized hour, spent too mush time waiting in airports, once got squished into a seat beside a rather large person (mercifully for a short flight), was almost the last out of both of my short flights,  all of the planes seems overly loud - to the point that I could not hear the announcements and of course, none of the seats were comfortable. But It was all very manageable, the service or at least what passes for service was pleasant, no one was grumpy, the pilots seemed competent and to the best of my knowledge none of the other passengers had any major complaints.

Was it a great experience - no. Was it better than i thought it would be - yes. So I guess that is a win for the small guy. Although it needs to be stated that I had such low expectations that it would not have beeen hard to be almost pleasantly surprised.

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