Wednesday, July 12, 2017


For me writing, contrary to a trend discussed in an article in the summer edition of the Walrus, seems to be a solitary occupation. It is something that I only feel the urge to do when I have spent a fair chunk of time alone. I only write when I have had time to think about what I want to write about. I also think I only write when I am a tiny bit bored.

In the past month or so, I have not been bored, I have spent more time talking to people than I usually do and lord knows I have been busy. It is the weaving that is at fault. I have had great three or four weeks at the Duncan Market. I, at just halfway through the Market season, am close to earning 2/3s of what I earned in my most lucrative year. Not only that but I have had some great conversations with some folks who like what I do and want to talk about it.

However, while it may be obvious to everyone, when one sells a lot of stuff - one needs to make more. I have been working six days a week trying to produce more work. Normally I would do three rugs at time - now I am doing only one or two; when I have more time - I weave ten or so small bags - now I am doing three. Just to replace what I have sold. Rather than spending a whole day dyeing wool for a number of projects, I am just dyeing enough wool for one. It is not efficient to work in such small lots, but it is what I need to do to keep my booth look full. So in spite of the fact that I am working at it almost full time, I am not getting a lot done. Perhaps most importantly, I am not being as creative as I would like to be. I have a couple of projects that I would like play with - both may not produce anything saleable but I want to experiment anyway.  It is time for a change.

So after this weekend, I think I am going to take a few weeks off. Hopefully I will get some time to do those things I need to do and to get back on track. Hopefully the writing urge will get a chance to rise to the surface and I can continue writing about my trip, politics and life.

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