Saturday, September 16, 2017

A Minor Gap in Our Medical System

I spent a bit of time this week with a couple of doctors, some nurses and a x-ray technician. They were all very nice.  They treated me with respect and kindness. A few of them had a nice quirky sense of humour that made the whole experience if not enjoyable, at least far more than tolerable. Unfortunately, I was reminded that while our medical system in Canada guarantees that all Canadians have equal access to our health care system, not all citizens have equal capacity to benefit from that system.

Almost three weeks ago I was standing on a 18 inch high plastic stool doing some household repairs when the stool fell apart. It just disintegrated with all four sides collapsing outward. I fell straight down , landing on my feet. For some reason it really hurt. I was pretty sure that I had not gone over on my ankle (something that has happened all too often in the past) but my ankle and lower leg hurt as if I had. I hobbled unto the house, swallowed two no-name ibuprofen and laid down. An hour later my ankle had swollen like the proverbial balloon and I knew I was in for a few days of being uncomfortable. Fortunately I carve walking canes for a hobby and had a number to chose from to assist me as I hopped from counter to counter, from one piece of furniture to the next.

I knew I could have/should have gone to the hospital, but the thought of driving there and then having to walk from the parking lot to the emergency room was just more than I could bare. I made something to eat, went to bed with some confidence that the next day would be better. It was - but only marginally. Over the next ten days it got better bit by bit but it did not feel as if I was recovering as quickly as I should.  There were times when it just ached and other times when I put too much weight on it that it hurt - a lot. Two weeks after the accident - I went to see my doctor. She sent me to get an x-ray. The technician looked at the pictures of my ankle, made it clear that he could not diagnose or comment on the x-ray, and he suggested that I see a doctor as soon as possible if not sooner. The next morning I went to my doctor who eventually got the x-rays and suggested that I get to the hospital to have a cast put on.

It turns out that I had not pulled or sprained a ligament but rather had broken bones on either side of my foot. I assume that the force of me falling straight down caused the breaks. It was suggested that I purchase an "air cast"( picture). I did so the next morning. I was not offered the option of a plaster cast. Given the fact that I have a car with a manual transmission - and therefore needed to take off the cast to drive - the air cast made some sense.

However the air cast costs $178.00!! If I had not had the money to pay for it, the emergency doctor admitted that that that would be a problem. No other solution was offered. I bought the air cast at a pharmacy but if I had not asked, I would have gotten no instruction at all. As it was, what I did get - was not that useful. I have no idea as to whether or not I have got it on right - if I have pumped up the air bladders sufficiently to keep the foot stable. I am appalled that I (1) it cost me $178 to purchase something that I needed to get better and (2) that in spite of the doctor giving me prescription for it, no one has made sure that I am using it correctly.

Everyone including the x-ray tech, my doctor and the hospital doctor  were great. I got great service. However, if I had not been able to afford the cast or had been too shy or  uncomfortable to ask for assistance at the pharmacy - all of the niceness and kindness in the world would not have helped one little bit. It seems to me that our medical system needs to ensure that people have access to the supplies and services that they need - especially if they can't afford it or do not know how to ask for help. It is, I think, quite easy to be nice to me. I am polite, know how to ask questions and almost never blame the bearer of bad news. At the hospital I was not stressed about money or how I was going to get home or any other of the details of life other people may have to deal with. I am one of the lucky ones....but for so many people - paying for and then knowing how to use it would have been more than they were able to manage. We need to do better.

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