Saturday, November 25, 2017

Bah humbug! 2017 Version

I went food shopping yesterday (November 24). The store was decorated with Christmas stuff, there were lots of electronics for sale at the entrance ( in celebration of Black Friday), Christmas paper displays and Lord help us - there was Christmas music playing - loudly - over the P.A. system.

I understand that it is important (for the store owners) to remind us as often as possible that at this time of the year, we need to go into debt to buy presents for our loved ones (and ourselves). I understand that the current theory of marketing is if the customer is overwhelmed with advertisements, inducements and pleasant, if boring music that they will be seduced into buying stuff early and frequently. That the sooner we start to buy stuff, the more that we will buy. I understand that thousands if not millions of people's lives depend upon how much stuff we collectively buy. Unfortunately most of the people live in China or other off-shore countries. I understand that the owners of Supercentre, Wal-Mart and other major corporations assume that I am a complete idiot who can be and in fact needs to be manipulated into making any decision at all.

I can ignore, with some irritation the Christmas displays that partially block aisles, of the additional "seasonal" food items strategically placed to catch my eye thereby making it harder to find the items that are usually in that spot and the absurdity of having electronic toys and sound systems placed in the entrance of a food store - but I find it very difficult to ignore the music. It is loud, boring and just irritating. For those of us who chose to not celebrate this season in the usual fashion, for those of us who find this time of year particularly challenging or emotionally stressful, for those of us who feel isolated or depressed - the last thing we want to hear for the next month is bloody Christmas music all telling us that it is the most wonderful time of the year.

My personal bet is that those folks who want to celebrate Christmas - know that Christmas is a month away. The vast majority of those people know what they have to do - they do not need to be reminded. Those people who don't want to or can't celebrate the day - don't need to be reminded either.

Turn off the music- please!

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