Saturday, March 24, 2018

Who to Blame? Part Two - Solutions

Who to Blame? Part Two - Solutions

Perhaps it is entirely coincidental but this morning's CBC site reported on two diametrically opposite solutions to the ever present (and some might say intrusive)  presence of Facebook and other social media apps.

Solution #1
Matt Stoller, a senior fellow at the Open Markets Institute has suggested that "Facebook be restructured to neutralize its market power and be forced to divest some of its holding like Instagram and WhatsApp" (CBC). Interesting solution - one would think that some people believe that Facebook etc. are essential services such as oil to keep our houses warm, or even media such as radio television or newspapers. We certainly do everything we can to prevent those things from being in the hands of just a few people (please excuse the sarcasm).

Solution #2
Elon Musk the owner/inventor  of Tesla and SpaceX has deleted the Facebook accounts for both of those companies. He does not have a personal Facebook page.

I like the second solution better. If you don't trust Facebook- don't use it. If some organization or bureaucracy suggests you should - tell them no. Facebook is being used because it makes things convenient but it is not a necessity.

We should not allow governments and others who have vested, sometimes commercial interest in utilizing the internet to "make things more efficient" (code words for cheaper, fewer employees) to convince us that it s better for us. They only have control if we give it to them.

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