Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Reaping What You Sow

To no one's surprise, Jason Kenney and his UPC party handily won yesterday's Albertan provincial election. In spite of the allegations of, at the very least, of unethical manipulations during his leadership campaign and the far too many far right/ultra social conservative/racist/homophobic comments by members of his party, everyone knew that they would win.

I am quite sure that the oil companies are delighted because they now have a premier who, ignoring all scientific data to the contrary, will work hard to increase the carbon footprint of Alberta. Kenny has promised to attack everything and everyone who dares suggest that there might be another way to create a sustainable economy other than to produce the dirtiest and most environmentally destructive type of oil. More investment capital may flow into those companies now that everyone knows that Alberta is prepared to rape itself for short term gain. The average Albertan will be happy because they voted for a party that promised them better days ahead, especially for those who want to/need to bury their heads in the sand.

But while all of the above are delighted and can take some of the credit for the sound defeat of the NDP - the people who should take the most credit (and who will bare almost none of the consequences) are all of those left-leaning, small "l" liberals, pseudo-green Canadians who so vigorously protested the building of the pipeline. By doing nothing to support Alberta, by not even attempting to find reasonable compromises that would allow Alberta to maintain an economy that contributes to Canada, Alberta was isolated; made to feel a victim; made to feel that no one cared. The provincial NDP stood alone looking for something, anything that would allow them to continue to deal with the crashing Albertan economy and at least do a little bit about its carbon footprint. The protesters, by so loudly condemning the very thought of Alberta wanting to sell oil provided exactly the type of ammunition required for the conservatives to once again argue that all Canadians hate Alberta. For so many Albertans, the only solution for Alberta was to have a strong leader who will fight Ottawa and stand up to the rest of Canada. Kenney by selling himself as someone who will fight for Albertans; who will challenge all of those Canadians who want Alberta's transfer payments but do not want Albertans to be successful; who will, if necessary drag Alberta to the point of separation from Canada has now joined the pantheon of leaders who rather fight the federal Liberals in Ottawa than to look for solutions..

If any of the oil pipeline protesters thought the battles/discussions were difficult last year - just imagine how difficult those debates will be this year. The environmentalists have lost a friend, someone who believed at least close to what they believed. There is always a danger in drawing lines in the sand/ or painting the world only in black and white. When we assume that there is only one way to do something and that is our way - we run the risk of other people seeing the world diametrically opposite.

The protesters instead of finding ways to make Albertans allies in the fight against climate change have pushed Alberta into wholeheartedly fighting any plan to reduce our carbon footprint. Well done!!!

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