Monday, July 22, 2019

2019 On The Road Again #10

My strong preference when driving to go as fast as I can, as far as I can - stopping only when I absolutely need to. Bathroom breaks should be held to a minimum and stopping for coffee and a smoke break is a waste of time. Initially, the five of us drove for some time but once we stopped, everyone got out of the van and it seemed to take forever to get gas, for everyone (except me) to get coffee and for everyone to either roll a cigarette, buy cigarettes or bum some from someone. And then, of course, one has to smoke it. Even getting into the van seems to take too long. In what seemed no more than an hour or so later, we stopped again. Something about the coffee going right through them and they needed the bathroom, and then they all needed to smoke and then another coffee for the road. Life would be so much easier if people did not stop.

As we rolled along the highway, I saw spots that I had stood at for a while, places that I had slept, motels that I had stayed in. I realized that I had a story to tell about almost every town that we went through. I thought about telling some of the stories as we went along but everyone seemed to be in their own little world - no one was talking and I did not want to interrupt their thoughts. Besides, I kept on falling asleep.

For a few years, I have been struggling as to how to write a book about my travels. I have thousands of words done, but it has never felt quite right. While the stories were interesting (sort of) there seemed to be nothing to tie the stories all together. Doing a chapter on truckers and another one on women and another one motels etc. etc. just felt clumsy. However, doing a book where the stories followed the Trans-Canada seems to be a better plan. I think I am excited about trying the book again.

Our driver said he knew Calgary well and would make sure that we got dropped off a bus stop. My fellow travellers' plans were not clear. The guy with the dog was going to find a place to sleep, the other one was staying in Calgary and I was tired. While it might be a bit of adventure to camp out with someone - I was not really up for it. I had not slept well or long for two nights and with the exception of the egg salad sandwich and the potato wedges - I had not eaten for just as long. I texted my daughter, asked her to find me a cheap motel at the west end of Calgary, she did, she made a reservation and as easily as that - I had a motel room for the night.

Finding it was a bit trickier. The three hitchhikers were, as promised, dropped off at a bus stop. We all got on the next bus but as I spoke to the driver he made a suggestion as to which bus I should have taken. So I said goodbye to my companions, got off and walked to another bus stop. When that bus came I got a nice tour of the city but the bus did not go where I wanted it to. So I got off at another bus stop, meet my fellow hitchhiker with the dog (he had gotten a more direct route) where he was waiting for the same bus as I. The next driver was great and was pretty sure he could get me near where I needed to go. There was, as well, a young lady we meet at the bus stop who was very chatty and seemed to be sure she also knew where I was going.

I eventually got off at the right spot, walked down the street a bit, and there was my motel. I checked in, dropped my pack off in my room and went out for something to eat..... everything in the area was closed. So I bought an apple juice at a gas station, went back to my room and went to bed. I was tired.

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