Saturday, April 11, 2020

A Minor Rant (Observations) From Just Outside the Pandemic #9 + addendum

It takes a fair bit of self-control not to brag about the fact that B.C. appears to be flattening the curve. The most recent statistics suggest that the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 and the number of hospitalizations in BC are either remaining constant or decreasing. There was even a brief mention in this morning's CBC on-line news about the possibility that some restrictions may get lifted, perhaps in specific areas, sometime in the foreseeable future. It will take a lot of self-control for the citizens of B.C. to continue to practice social distancing etc. until that future arrives. It was therefore very disappointing to read that Friday's ferries to the Southern Gulf Islands and other tourist destinations were full.

What part of the message are these travellers not getting?

I understand that they may have a cottage/second house on the Sunshine Coast or on one of the islands such as Salt Spring or Galliano. I get that they pay taxes and therefore have the right to be there and to use the services that area has available. I also can understand their logic that says that because they are not sick right now, because they are going to stay in our car all of the way to their destination (people are now allowed to stay in the cars while the ferry is in transit) and because they will not leave their property while they are visiting - what harm could they do?

A year from now, hopefully, things will be almost normal. We will be then able to sit down and analyze what strategies were the most useful to manage the outbreak. It may turn out that places such as New York City which has experienced hospital overcrowding and numerous deaths, will, in the long run, make a better and a more sustainable recovery whereas BC because fewer of us got sick, there will be ongoing outbreaks. But at this particular point, it would appear that maintaining social distancing, avoiding going out when we do not need to and washing our hands is the best way to contain it. It would appear that for many Canadians, while we are not that worried about getting sick, we are worried about other people getting sick. We listen to the experts and follow their suggestions to protect other people.

So for the folks in the lower mainland of BC, or for those folks in western Alberta who go to the mountains for their get-a-ways or those in Ontario who vacation in the Muskokas or the Halliburton Highlands - please stay at home. This not the time to exert your privileged position of own vacation property. This is about you accepting responsibility for the well being of others.

addendum : CBC has corrected its statements - the ferries were only half full (and there were few ferries running than normal. I still ask the question - why were most of the people on the ferry?

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