Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Pain and Loss in Portapique, N.S

 I feel an overwhelming need to scream in anger and frustration. I want to raise my fist and rail against a world that allows one person to end the lives of 20 people and to disrupt the lives of so many more. I want there to be a way that we can eradicate from our memories this individual's name, his history, his being. I want there to be some way to celebrate the lives of those who have passed, without remembering the cause. The perpetrator of these events has lost any right to be remembered at all. We will give him no false fame - no annual remembering of the deeds.

I, along with millions of Canadians are sadder today than we were yesterday. Not only have people been senselessly murdered and countless others impacted, not only have whole communities been shattered but there has been an impossible-to-imagine number of opportunities lost. But, almost as important, we as a nation have lost just a little bit more of our innocence We so desperately want to, need to believe that we are better than this. That our culture and our way of life prevents these irrational and unfathomable obscenities from happening. Perhaps we need to hang on to those beliefs. Perhaps we need to work just a little bit harder to make the country the place we think it is.

There is nothing to say, no words to express my sadness, no deed that I can do that would make the world even the tiniest bit better for those who live in the relatively narrow stretch of land between the village of Portapique and Halifax, nearly a 100 kilometres away. There is no memorial that I could create that would adequately memorialize those who have died.

There is nothing anyone can do except to try harder to make our Canada a place where this cannot happen again.

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