Sunday, February 23, 2014

No more complaints (at least for a while)

I am tired. I am tired of being angry, of constantly complaining and of feeling that I am somehow obliged to continue in my role of an "angry young man". There is just so much to be frustrated about; so much that that needs to be talked about such as:

The Olympics - I could not help but notice that when it appeared as if Canada was in a bit of a slump in terms of medal production, commentators started to wonder what was wrong with Canada's Olympic team/program. Personally I think I won a silver medal (which would mean that I was, at that particular moment, pretty damn good at what I did) and someone said that perhaps I was washed up or getting ready to retire - I would take that medal and shove it up an orifice of that commentator where it would be immensely uncomfortable.

Did you realize that if we divided equally the amount Russians spent getting ready for the Olympics everyone in the world would be a multi millionaire?

Fair Elections Act - The absurdity of the changes and the blatancy of the self-serving hypocrisy of the present federal government is just depressing. One has to wonder if the plan is to continuously create new  forms of law, regulations or manipulations (some of which would shame the robber barons of the 19th century) just so that we will forget the ones that they created last month.

Ukraine - I note that while the West (including Canada) have quite strenuously demanded that the government of the Ukraine stop treating its citizens so badly and that they should do what the protesters are demanding have in fact offered nothing (except to suggest sanctions which will only impoverish that country even more and make Russia's offer more attractive). Russia has offered real financial aid. If we want people to do what we want them to do - perhaps bribery is sometimes required. Our federal government is clearly not opposed to financially rewarding its political friends in the business community - perhaps they should try that technique in the world political arena.

On a related note - if during the G-20 demonstrations (where Canadian police used harsh and aggressive tactics including arresting people without grounds) the protesters had refused to move and instead fought back with the same tenacity that those in the Ukraine (or Egypt or Syria) have shown -would the Canadian government have listened? They certainly seem to saying that governments must listen to those who are determined to protest. I am just asking.....

So I am going to stop being critical for a while - as you can note from the above, I have already started - and just talk about other things that are less depressing.

Wish me good luck on that.

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