Thursday, April 3, 2014

Open letter to Mr. Harper

 Dear Mr. Prime Minister

I think I can appreciate how satisfying and perhaps even energizing it is to visit other countries to discuss trade, the economy and the general state of world affairs. I am sure that the conversations that happen once the cameras are turned off can be challenging and stimulating.

It must be particularly gratifying to have the opportunity to speak other countries on how to create and run an effective democracy. I have listened to part of a number of your international comments and I have been impressed with your commitment and perhaps even your passion in regards to various specific ethnic, cultural or national groups’ right to self-determination. One can only hope that the various countries that are not as democratically evolved as you suggest Canada is, will quickly reach the ideals that you so eloquently describe.

Of course I too wish that those ideals could be met, not only in other countries but in Canada as well. I wonder, for example when your government will finally listen to those First Nations communities who continue to be lied to, obstructed in due process by your government, not listened to and ignored in spite of treaties, agreements and any reasonable definition of human rights.  I wonder as well why you and your government have created a new bill purportedly to improve our electoral process when not only does that bill ignores the opinion of the past and present chief election officer but misquotes and takes out of context the very report you commissioned. But perhaps my expectations are just too high, stimulated no doubt by your rhetoric about what other countries should do.

I suppose the truth of the matter is that it is always so much easier to tell other people what to do as opposed to doing it ourselves.

Yours sincerely etc etc.

Do you think this is too sarcastic?

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