Saturday, June 28, 2014

On the Road Again 2014 # 4

Thursday afternoon - somewhere west of Winnipeg.  We had two hours in Winnipeg which just enough time to have a really nice filling breakfast at The Forks - a delightful collection of food sellers, souvenirs stores all just a few minutes away from the train station. I think the Forks, especially in the evening is a culture centre for parts of Winnipeg. It is certainly a place I would hang out if I lived anywhere near that area.I also bought three sandwiches from an vegetarian bakery. They should get me through until tomorrow. On a side note while there was wifi in the train station, it was not exactly high speed and I did not get as much done as I would have liked. It is quite a beautiful old building undergoing renovations. It is also where new Canadians swear allegiance. Got chance to see some folks leave that part of the building carrying little Canadian flags. Once I got back on the train I realized that I could have/should have shaken their hands. I admire immigrants so much.

The train is really full. People who last night had four seats to them selves are now sitting with someone else. In fact I am one of the few people who is sitting alone. As usual there are some real advantages of looking hairy. While part of me would not mind the company, it is nice to be able to shift my bum around so that I don't get stiff staying in one position for too long

Normally I do much of my typing in the Dome car. It not only has a great view of the lakes and the fields as the train rolls pass, but the the seat and fold down table are just at the perfect height to type. The fold down table also does not move around or vibrate as much as the one that drops down from the seat in front of me. I can sit in the Dome car for a few hours, do a bit of typing and join in on the conversations around me. I must confess I like playing the experienced old man role. I get to pontifciate on various topics, just for a little bit. Last night we spent a fair amount of time talking about the history of the CNR and the destruction of the nationalized railroad system which of course lead to talking about trucking and the just-in-time delivery system. There are a handful of very bright, interesting young folks who hang out in the dome car. When they are talking amongst themselves, their language is polite and kind. By that I mean there is no swearing nor is there any sense of bragging or being competitive. It is quite a pleasure to hear them talk amongst themselves and for them to graciously allow me to briefly join their conversation.

One of the young guys who is about 24 has just started his own business. He for years attended a camp, then became a counsellor and is now taking his wilderness skills and teaching them to school age kids within the school board. He has a passion and has figured out how to make money at it. Good for him.

There was another young man hanging around the dome car who was not nearly as social skilled. He was perhaps two years younger than the others and was loud and brassy and did not know how to participate in a conversation. His bragging and his attempts to dominate the conversation were both irritating and embarrassing. The other folks were far kinder to him than I suspect I would have been at their age. At various Gatherings I have seen many like him, young people who are struggling to fit in and who have not had the opportunity to learn how to be part of a discussion; to be part of something without having to compete for dominance. I sometimes wonder if this inability to participate as an equal or perhaps not believing that they can be an equal is at least part of the reason that the world is in such a sad state.

I am not in the Dome car right now mainly because I can see how many people especially the young people are not sitting in this car...I assume they are all in the Dome car and that there would not be a lot of room for me. Perhaps later.

Maybe it is time for another nap.

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