Monday, December 29, 2014

On the Road (sort of) 2014 #2

It must have snowed in the last twelve hours or so as the tree branches are layered with snow. I am a little bit disappointed that one can not see any more now than in the summer. But the bush is still just too thick and the three or four inches of snow on the branches and unused telegraph wires blocks more than leaves would ever. But it is gorgeous out there. While it has been dull and grey with a hint of fog, every once in a while the sun almost shows itself and then forest just glitters. It is quite clear that it has not been that cold as there are still small creeks that are still running and  few of the lakes still have wide open channels.

The few villages that we have passed through, even with wood smoke rising above their chimneys, have looked even more isolated than usual.  I am sure there are some months when living up here would be remarkable, but between the bug seasons that must last three months and the winter that lasts four or five months I am not sure if that would be enough for me. I suppose one either gets fully engaged with winter in terms of snowmobiling or else one just hunkers down beside the woodstove and waits for the good months.

By 3:30, the sun which has steadily been on our left side has started to sink behind the trees and low hills. I think that by the time we get to Hornepayne it will be dark. It will be a different town in the dark than on a warm day in June.  I have no reason to go out. I have enough food to easily get through the evening especially if there is still some vegetarian chilli  at the take out left  when I get hungry. It would however, be good for me to get out and about for thirty or so minutes; stretch my legs and breath some fresh air. Either a  lot of people in the car have a cold or the air is really dry. Regardless of why there seems to be a lot people coughing . On the other hand it looks cold out there. While the sky is generally clear and therefore it looks nice out, the wind has picked up sufficiently to blow the tops of the trees free of their snowy mantle.

A few minutes after typing the above, an announcement was made stating that we would be arriving in Hornepayne in fifteen minutes but due to the fact that we were running late we would only be there for fifteen minutes. We were reminded that if we missed the train that the next one would be through in three days. I was surprised that we were running a few hours late.We left on time and it did not feel as if we were stopped for long periods of time waiting for fright trains. Perhaps we we just going slower than normal. 

I went out for a quick walk, it was cold and the path was slippery. I fell down and in true fashion I have hurt my wrist. Not badly but it is a touch uncomfortable. I am glad that I did not plan on walking up to the store.

Almost as soon as the train started up one of the attendants walked through the car and announced that there were some musicians playing in the dome car. I thought it would be a good opportunity to hear some live music and get some chilli. The music (a fiddle and guitar duo) was just fine; the chilli....the best I could say was it was interesting. I had envisioned a waxed paper bowl filled with some somewhat spicy chilli and a couple of pieces of French type loaf of garlic bread. What I got was a cardboard container with a large spoonful of mashed potatoes, 10-12 pieces of green and yellow string beans, some scraps of lettuce along with a chunk of tomato and one of cucumber, some red stuff that had beans, carrots and other vegetables that I didn't recognize in it and one piece of ordinary bread, toasted and buttered with garlic butter. It was an insipid meal at best. I don't mean to brag, but my chili is a hundreds time better. Hopefully I will not try it again although tomorrow night there will be a different crew on and perhaps it will be better. But for now, I am really sorry I tried it....but at least the music was nice.

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