Friday, January 2, 2015

On the Road (sort of) Again 2014 #5

We were "only" about five hours late getting into Edmonton. I debated whether or not to go out for the 20 minute break (which actually turned into 40 minutes). The weather was forecasted at being 23 degrees below 0 and the VIA station in Edmonton is particularly borinng but I was hoping to check my email etc so out I left the train. It actually was not that cold which was just as well - there was no WiFi available. While five hours is a lot of time to make up, if we don't lose more time and if the break in Jasper is reduced to 40 minutes, then perhaps we will not be too late getting into Vancouver.

I was speaking to a woman who is heading towards Victoria and we were both sharing concern for the amount of energy it takes to get from the train station to the island. I am trying to remain optimistic about arrival times if for no other reason than there is nothing I can do about it. We were late getting into Jasper last summer and yet we arrived on time in Vancouver. 

For quite a few people, including at least two of the families and three of the chronic "coughers"  Edmonton was their destination. While some new folks got on, the car feels quieter than it was. I think quite a few folks are getting off at Jasper. Apparently Jasper is a destination to go to celebrate New Years Eve. Perhaps I should get out there and party with the young people.

It is interesting to note that while there was relatively little snow across much of the Prairies, certainly west of Edmonton there is a bit more. I would imagine that there will be a lot more by the time we get to Jasper.

By the time we got to Jasper, it was past 4:30. There were still some glorious looking mountains to take pictures of. People were rushing back and forth between the left and right side of the train looking for the best views. In spite of the fact that this is my third trip across in the last six months and probably my fifteenth trip in the last eight or nine years, I still marvel at the mountains. However by the time we were in the station it was dark and for the people who were new to Jasper, they did not get the full sense of the gloriousness of being in the mountains.  We were told very clearly that the train would be leaving at 6:00.

I made my usual run to Subway - bought two six inch subs, went to a coffee shop/bakery and picked up a couple of muffins and was back at the station by 5:30ish. we didn't get back o the train until almost 6:30. They had to move the train back and forth to get water. I wondered out loud  why they didn't get a longer hose. Some one else who was standing near me wondered if they couldn't afford to buy two hoses.

What ever the reason for the delay - it was blody cold outside. The waiting room was jammed with people including those who had been waiting for five or more hours. People were starting to become a wee bit unhappy. When we were finally allowed to load, the economy seat folks had to walk what felt like miles (I am only slighty exaggerating) against a strong and cold wind to get to our car. The upper class folks had to walk a far shorter distance with the wind at their backs and could get a ride if needed. Life sometimes feels a bit unfair.

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