Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hospitals and Ambulance Rides. Part Three

I am bored. I am also tired, irritable, uncomfortable and far too often my entire back hurts. I am chronically tired and my digestive tract is a nightmare. But the worst of it is that I am bored. The only place that I am comfortable is laying flat in bed, which is great in terms of pain control but my bedroom ceiling is not much fun to look at. Sitting is alright for a while but after twenty or so minutes things start to hurt. Not terribly so - but enough so that it hard to concentrate on anything including the TV.  The other problem with staying in one position too long is that when I do try to get up my back muscles start to spasm and that gets really uncomfortable in terms of doing anything including breathing.

Pain, of course, is a subjective thing.  Our bodies have, thankfully, little capacity to actually remember pain. I have no objective measure of how much better I am now than I was three days ago. I don't think I feel any better but then I need to keep on reminding myself that I can get out of bed most of the time far easier than I could on Tuesday or Wednesday - I think.

I am just really bored and frustrated....... I need to keep on reminding myself that things could be a whole lot worse.

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