Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tired of Complaining #2

It has been four or five days since I decided that I needed to be more positive. Just under a week ago I wrote that I was going to stop ranting on about all of the stupidities of our social/political system. I have, I think done well. But, as I noted in the blog - such good intentions seemed to only last for a few days before the urge to vent (I would prefer to call it - critically analyzing the social, economic and political currents of our post-modernist world) overwhelms me. Sad to say, I already feel the desire to express my frustration bubbling to the surface. And there is so much to be concerned about:

                - Bill C-51 passed yesterday - in spite of all of the days of protest - it passed with a  
                   substantial majority - without so much as a whimper.

                - The multi-national companies and their hacks and spokespeople are already forecasting 
               doom in Alberta. For example Rob Anders, who was the Member of Parliament from 
               Calgary said "Right now I'm worried about rigs moving to Saskatchewan. I'm worried     
               about capital fleeing to the United States. I'm worried about retirees moving to British 
               Columbia," he said. "Hopefully the NDP doesn't do too much to scare business 

                - Mr. Harper during a "surprise" trip to the Middle East released photographs of Canadian                soldiers - thereby potentially putting them at risk. People make mistakes, I get that, but the                Conservatives in their usual fashion first denied that there was any wrongdoing and then                tried to blame someone else for the error.

                - One of the ways that the government was able to post a balanced budget was by not 
               spending money ($98 million) on employment training for young people and on some  
                social service programs -specifically programs for those who have a developmental  

                - The government continues to fight Omar Khadr's bail citing in part that if he was let out it                  might offend the Americans! As if anything that we could do would truly offend the
                 Americans. Either Harper is far more insecure that he lets on or he is being disingenuous.

                - Evidence released in the Mike Duffy trial demonstrates very clearly that the PMO were                  involved in re-writing the initial Senate auditor's report so that it looked as if there was no                  wrong doing or at least the wrong doing was downplayed.

                -The Speaker of the House has decided that Peterborough does not need an elected                 representative and has therefore called the election to replace Dean Del Mastro for the same                 date as the general election in the fall. That means that the Peterborough area, by the fall
                will have been without a Member of Parliament for 344 days. That seems wrong.

But I am not going to write about any of that....... at least not right now.

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