Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Discourse on Parenting and the Law - Addendum

Yesterday I posted a piece about how it takes a village to raise a child and how the village that we all live in had failed a teenager named Alex. In that piece I somewhat excused the social service system. In  light of the most recent news as reported by the CBC, I was wrong to do so.

The CBC reported late in the day that the B.C. Ministry of Child and Family Development knew where the young man's family had moved to in Alberta.  The worker from that Ministry testified in court that they did not notify social services in Alberta as to their concerns or the address because "It's not part of our procedure"( CBC).

While it appears as if policies have changed and now BC Ministry staff are required to exchange critical information with their counterparts in other jurisdictions, "It's not part of our procedure" is quite simply not a good enough excuse. In the midst of complex procedures and policies, the filing out of countless forms, the relentless scrutiny from a sometimes angry public - those in social services need to be reminded that their primary concern is to protect those who are vulnerable. "Not my job" is never a valid excuse to avoid doing the morally right thing.

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