Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Ode to Canada Post

A few years ago I realized that my pack was far too heavy to hitchhike with. Because I was going to be gone for two months, I needed to carry with me all of my clothes and all of my camping equipment. Most of the clothes and equipment were not needed on my travels but when I got to where ever I was going. The pack towered above my head and was heavy enough to make getting it into a large truck almost impossible. Every time I picked it up, my already prone-to damaged back groaned in anticipation of another strained muscle. Trying to run with the pack to chase down a stopped vehicle was difficult and I am sure - not a pretty sight. My shoulders, in spite of the well padded straps, were constantly sore.  There are some spots along my trip where I have to walk a couple of kilometres to get out of town, up a hill to a better spot or even to find a bus stop. The heavy pack meant that I had to stop too often to rest my shoulders, my back and my heart.

The solution to this problem was simple...... I re-packed my pack - only taking what I needed for the travelling and put the rest in a box which I mailed to where I was going. Within an hour I had cut the weight of what I was carrying in half. Problem solved. I can walk further, run more (slightly) gracefully and lift my pack into a high truck.

It cost about $25.00 to mail the box and it is worth every penny. I have now mailed a box back and forth across the country eight perhaps ten times. Every time, a nice person at the post office tells me that it will take eight to ten business days for me to get the parcel. Every time I get it within a week (including weekends). I mailed my box last Tuesday in Sudbury. Yesterday (Monday) it was delivered to my door in Duncan.

In this day when it is ever so easy to complain about the poor service from various places - all I can say is well done Canada Post!

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